RPG Music Tags Database

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There are currently 20 titles in the database for the tag Heroisch/Episch.

Fanfare X Alexander Nakarada Bits & Pieces Vol. 2
Open the gate Alexandr Zhelanov
Don't let me go CDPrMusic
Take a Chance Kevin MacLeod Action Cuts
Fanfare for Space Kevin MacLeod Wonders
Fantasy Trailer Lionel Schmitt
Beyond the Skies Lionel Schmitt The Cinematic Journey - Adventures, Emotions & Action
Fantasy Rising Lionel Schmitt The Cinematic Journey - Adventures, Emotions & Action
Farewells at the Edge of the World Mattias Westlund Chronicles I
Through The Gates Mattias Westlund Miscellaneum
A New Hope Olivier Renouard (Butterfly Tea) Drama - Emotion
Epilogue Olivier Renouard (Butterfly Tea) Ontaria Legends Vol. 1
Libertis Melitis Rec0il
La route de magellan Roger Stéphane Symphoniquement votre
Legionnaire Scott Buckley
Main Theme Stephan Wells Lasallian Nights 2013 OST
Unused Newsreel-ish Loop Steven O'Brien
As we March Vindsvept The Youtube Collection
Emotional Theme Wladimir Kucin (Blue Giraffe)
Destined to Rise World Beyond Becoming a Titan